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    >> Web服务(Web Services,WS), 语义Web服务(Semantic Web Services, SWS)讨论区: WSDL, SOAP, UDDI, DAML-S, OWL-S, SWSF, SWSL, WSMO, WSML,BPEL, BPEL4WS, WSFL, WS-*,REST, PSL, Pi-calculus(Pi演算), Petri-net,WSRF,
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     * 贴子主题: 大牛 Jonathan Marsh 离开微软,加盟 WSO2 公司,出任 Director 职位。 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
     admin 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    发贴心情 大牛 Jonathan Marsh 离开微软,加盟 WSO2 公司,出任 Director 职位。


    Microsoft Web Services Expert Joins WSO2
    October 30th, 2006

    Colombo, Sri Lanka – October 30, 2006 – WSO2, the open source middleware company, announced today that Jonathan Marsh has joined the company as director of mashup technologies. At WSO2, Marsh will help set the overall technical direction of the company’s open source middleware platforms, and lead development of the company’s forthcoming server-side mashup platform for situational applications, business process management and monitoring.

    Marsh is joining the founding WSO2 team comprised of leaders in establishing Web services standards and longtime members of the Apache Software Foundation community. Sanjiva Weerawarana and Paul Fremantle started the company after careers at IBM, and founder Davanum Srinivas joined the company from Computer Associates. The company’s developers heavily contribute to many key Apache Web services projects including Apache Axis2, Apache Sandesha, Apache Policy, Apache Axiom and Apache Synapse.

    Prior to joining WSO2 Marsh spent ten years at Microsoft where he was technical diplomat for XML and Web services technologies. He was instrumental in driving technical development of the APIs for XML that revolutionized XML processing in the browser. Marsh was also a Microsoft representative at the W3C and contributed to the development of a variety of W3C specifications including XPath, XSLT, XML Base, xml:id, Xinclude and the XPointer Framework. Recently re-appointed as co-chair of the W3C Web Services Description Working Group, Marsh will continue in this role and maintain his involvement in various W3C Working Groups and OASIS Technical Committees.

    About WSO2

    WSO2 is an open source middleware company founded by pioneers in Web services and of members of the Apache Software Foundation Web services community. The company is creating a new, entirely open source middleware stack that is optimized for Web services and SOA. The company’s first product, WSO2 Web Services Application Server (previously WSO2 Tungsten), was released earlier this year. The company is backed by Intel Capital and maintains operations in the United States, United Kingdom and Sri Lanka.

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    跟踪W3C标准和Web Services的同仁们都会知道 Jonathan Marsh 这位very smart and energetic的大牛。现在他已离开微软,给他写信的时候,注意别用以前的Email咯。



    InfoQ SOA首席编辑胡键评《RESTful Web Services中文版》

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