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     * 贴子主题: EI Compendex、 ISTP检索的计算机应用与计算科学国际会议 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 EI Compendex、 ISTP检索的计算机应用与计算科学国际会议

    您好!下面是2010年计算机应用与计算科学国际会议(CACS 2010)征文通知,欢迎投稿、转发!论文集将由美国CPS出版并送 EI Compendex、 ISTP和 IEEE Xplore同时检索。会议注册(含版面)费2900。如果您因故不能到会并提前通知组委会,不影响论文发表和检索,论文集等会后寄给您。
    [ Please forward to those who may be interested. Thanks. ]
    2010 International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science
    CACS 2010
    4-6 December 2010, Singapore
    CACS 2010 aims to bring together researchers and scientists from academia, industry, and government laboratories to present new results and identify future research directions in computer applications and computational science. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Agent and Autonomous Systems
    Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
    Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
    Computer Architecture and VLSI
    Computer Control and Robotics
    Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
    Computers in Education
    Computer Modeling and Simulations
    Computer Networks and Communications
    Computer Security and Privacy
    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
    Data Mining and Data Engineering
    Distributed and Services Computing
    Energy and Power Systems
    Intelligent Systems
    Internet and Web Systems
    Nano Technologies
    Real-Time and Embedded Systems
    Scientific Computing and Applications
    Signal, Image and Multimedia Processing
    Software Engineering
    Test Technologies

    CACS 2010 conference proceedings will be published by CPS which will include the conference proceedings in IEEE Xplore and submit the proceedings to Ei Compendex and ISTP for indexing.
    Singapore's cultural diversity reflects its colonial history and Chinese, Malay, Indian and Arab ethnicities. English is the dominant official language, which is convenient for foreign visitors. Places of interest, such as the Orchard Road district, Singapore Zoo, Night Safari, and Sentosa, attract millions of visitors a year. Singapore is a paradise for shopping, dinning, entertainment, and nightlife, with two new integrated resorts.
    Conference Contact: CACS@irast.org
    Paper Submission Deadline: 15 May 2010
    Review Decision Notifications: 15 August 2010
    Final Papers and Author Registration Deadline: 9 September 2010

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