-- 作者:XWford
-- 发布时间:4/1/2004 1:43:00 PM
-- XML作者之一Tim Bray正式加入Sun
日期:2004/3/15 出處:CNET 链接地址:http://news.com.com/2100-1012_3-5173242.html XML作者之一的Tim Bray於16日正式加入昇陽(Sun)公司軟體部門, 並擔任技術總監(technical director)職務, 同時負責XML為主的內容組合技術(XML-based syndication technologies)。 Tim Bray指出,昇陽公司在blogging與整合領域都具有重要地位, 未來技術前瞻將是整合RSS、XML與進階搜尋技術, 同時也將致力於利用RSS技術,將blogging與syndication技術加入昇陽公司產品當中。 另外昇陽公司開放原始碼的應用軟體Java Desktop System, 包括Linux與OpenOffice.org也將是最有可能使用到內容搜尋與整合的技術。 除了RSS標準外,許多人也同時在觀察由IBM公司Sam Ruby所領導的Atom標準, 而該標準目前正在IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)進行審查。 --------------------------------- Tim Bray Tim Bray is a Canadian, a graduate of the University of Guelph, and a 20-year veteran of the technology business. After working for DEC (R.I.P.) and GTE, he became manager of the New Oxford English Dictionary Project at the University of Waterloo in 1987, co-founded Open Text Corporation in 1989, and built one of the first successful commercial Internet search engines in 1994. Between 1996 and 1999, while working as an independent consultant, he participated as an Invited Expert in the work at the World Wide Web Consortium that led to the creation of XML, serving as co-editor of XML 1.0 and Namespaces in XML. He co-founded the XML.com web-site in 199?. Since 1999 he has served as CEO of Antarcti.ca Systems. He is the original author of of the popular open-source Bonnie filesystem benchmark, and of Lark, the first-ever XML processor. Website: http://www.textuality.com [此贴子已经被作者于2004-4-1 15:00:04编辑过]